The Clebsch Surface with 27 Distinguished Lines

App: clebsch-surf
Author: Ricardo Waibel
Mentor: Diaaeldin Taha
Deforming a Rectangle to a Torus

App: rectangle-to-torus
Author: Ricardo Waibel
Mentor: Diaaeldin Taha
Pascal’s theorem and Poncelets Porism

App: Pascal’s theorem, Poncelets Porism
Author: Lukas Schmidt, Miriam Compton, Adrian Becker
Mentor: Diaaeldin Taha
Blog post: link

App: link
Author: Noah Koopmann, Ingmar Lowack
Mentor: Diaaeldin Taha
Blog post: link
Root Systems and their Weyl Groups

App: link
Author: Amelie Strupp
Mentor: Diaaeldin Taha
Description: Explore root systems and their transformations in 2 and 3 dimensions, and gain insight into root systems in higher dimensions through projections.
Disc and Annulus Deformations

App: link
Author: Ricardo Waibel
Instructions: Deform the disc and annulus; try to retract it to a point.
Blog post: link
Ellis Wormhole

App: link
Author: Ricardo Waibel
Instructions: Simply view and play with the Ellis wormhole and some simple geodesics.
Blog post: link
Random Walks in the Poincaré Disk

App: link
Author: Paul Martin
Mentor: Diaaeldin Taha
Instructions: Refresh the page to start a new random walk.
Ray Marching in Flat Surfaces

Note: The ray marching apps run better on more powerful graphics cards. For higher frame rates, choose a small browser window or reduce the resolution (for example, zoom by pressing CTRL while scrolling up).
Authors: Fabian Lander, Mara-Eliana Popescu
Instructions: Drag with the mouse to rotate the scene, and use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. The keys W/A/S/D translate the camera. Note that the rotation is applied to the rooms themselves and not the camera.
- Translation Surfaces: double-pentagon, L-shape
- Mirror rooms: double-pentagon, L-shape
- Polyhedra: cube
Hyperbolic Asteroids

App: link 1 (1vs1), link 2 (single player)
Authors: Ines Bultmann, Filippa Piazolo
Mentor: Diaaeldin Taha
Instructions: Player 1: LEFT/RIGHT/FORWARD and SPACE, Player 2: A/D/W and SHIFT
Blog post: link
Möbius Paint

App: link
Authors: Mouna Dorothea Deubler, Yunus Sahin, Juliane Stehle
Mentor: Diaaeldin Taha
Grandma’s Recipe

App: link
Authors: Alassane Diagne, Aysegül Peközsoy
Mentor: Diaaeldin Taha
Hyperbolic Ping-Pong

App: link
Author: Ricardo Waibel, based on work by Isabel Giray, Karina Kniel and Phil Neitzel
Description: This game is a hyperbolic version of the classic Pong game, taking place in the Poincaré disc. The ball and paddles move on geodesics, a generalized version of straight lines from Euclidean geometry.
The original code was developed by the above-mentioned seminar students, check out this blog post for more information. The python code was transcribed to javascript using transcription software. For more information, check out the blog post or this GitHub repository with the rewritten python and javascript code.

App: link
Author: Lukas D. Sauer
Mentor: Anna Wienhard
Description: Interactively experience transformations in the real projective plane using the flagtrafo web application. Transform tuples of flags using the eruption flow, the bulge flow, and the shear flow. Learn how the inscribed polygons are affected by the transformations.